
総レビュー数: 12レビュー(全て表示) 最終投稿: 2022年04月23日

When you come right down to it, what sets apart HXH from other long-running shounen is the plethora of genres that not only exist in HXH, but really come alive and apparent. To begin with, an essential part of One Piece is it's comedy. While other shounen try to input comedy as much as possible, usually it doesn't live up to expectations or is very scarce within the story. HXH is filled with comedy that, as I stated up above, will make you laugh out loud. And this is only accentuated by the great drawings of Oda himself.

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[投稿:2022-04-23 02:59:27] [修正:2022-04-23 02:59:27] [このレビューのURL]
