
総レビュー数: 12レビュー(全て表示) 最終投稿: 2022年04月23日

This turns SO many people away from this wonderful series. For the longest time, I was the victim of this 'judge-an-manga-by-its-art' disease. (That was an Usopp reference btw.) I hated it. It was ugly to me and I stayed far from it. The art improves gradually. Oda's style from the start to end is quite a difference, but its still the same but I honestly adore it and would want it no other way.
When I decided to first started One Piece, which I watched the entire anime first and still watch it, I was like, "Hey, I think i'll watch this, it looks okay." Little did I know I had started what would become my favorite series ever. Call One Piece overrated, stupid, plotless, etc. Read it. I PROMISE you, you'll definitely change you mind. C:

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 03:05:17] [修正:2022-04-23 03:05:17] [このレビューのURL]

In the other sides, while not emphasized, one piece also delivers deep knowledge of morale and some dark tragedies (Coup d'etat, country's destruction, slavery, racism, revenge , corrupt people, tyranny, black market, underworld, some dark secret in maintaining the peace, etc). Some children and people may not notice this while reading one piece; However, as the older and knowledgeable the reader get, the reader will view one piece differently when rereading it once again.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 03:03:50] [修正:2022-04-23 03:03:50] [このレビューのURL]

I already explained this aspect. Fairly basic but really expands into something extraordinary. It's slow at first but truly becomes greater and greater and adds to plot that keeps you on end. It doesn't repeat itself, doesn't bore you, & doesn't leave you not craving more. It has cracked me up, moved to uncontrollable tears, and made a reason to have a true obsession.

One Piece shines the greatest in this aspect. All the characters are well-developed & lovable. Even supporting characters are extremely well developed and become an integrated part of the story. When I say One Piece would be nothing without it's characters, I mean it. The crew itself makes One Piece all the more enjoyable for me.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 03:02:55] [修正:2022-04-23 03:02:55] [このレビューのURL]

If you could you have everything the world had to offer, would you aspire to it? With the dying words of the late Pirate King, Gold Roger, every pirate in the world set sail for the Grand Line searching for the infamous treasure he left behind, One Piece.
Here enters in the protagonist of our story, Monkey D. Luffy, a 17 year old boy who dreams of nothing more than become Pirate King himself. Thanks to the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, he gained the power to stretch his body to amazing lengths and become rubber. In this, he also became forever unable to swim.

Did that annoyingly long intro pull you in? Hope so. Now with most Shonen series exsist countless flaws with Story, Characters, Plot, etc. One Piece is not your generic long-running shonen manga. It is much more than that, it showed me a new side of Shonens' in an entirely new way that grabbed me in and keeps me there til this day like no series has before. I'll explain.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 03:02:28] [修正:2022-04-23 03:02:28] [このレビューのURL]


JOJO has fallen under heavy scrutiny from all kinds of anime fans because of the different art style that Oda utilizes in his epic story. Honestly, it is a hit or miss. I have found that you will either love it or hate it and as a result, will either love One Piece or hate the anime. As unfortunate as that sounds, its the simple truth I have discovered about the art style. However, I do urge you to give it a shot because if there is anything that grows on you, it is this art style. As you read more and more and get used to seeing the art drawn "One Piece style," you'll - hopefully - grow to accept and love the style. The art style starts off not so great, but again, as the story develops, you can easily see how Oda and his assistants were able to refine the art to something that works, and looks, beautifully.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 02:56:37] [修正:2022-04-23 02:56:37] [このレビューのURL]

The big difference in regards with the story of One Piece as compared to other shounen is the fact that the story actually gets better as the series progresses longer, breaking the age-old cliche that shounen titles usually carry, where the story will start to suffer the longer the series goes on. Oda has managed to introduce a plethora of different sub-plots that he flawlessly weaves together with the overarching aim of the story about friendship, the sense of adventure and the joys and heartaches that come with the pursuit of your dream. It takes awhile for the sub-plots to start developing, as Oda will subtlety leave hints and clues early on in his story that will blow you out of the water when you encounter them much later. This clearly shows that Oda knows exactly where he wants to go with the story.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 02:56:12] [修正:2022-04-23 02:56:12] [このレビューのURL]

We begin with the story. At this point in the game, I'm sure everyone who's reading this review or simply have been a fan of anime, know the general gist of what the plot is behind One Piece. If you don't, I will be the first one to say that you're probably living under a rock. Either that, or you're living at the north or south pole, isolated away from the anime civilization itself. Without straying too much off topic here, One Piece is a story about Monkey D. Luffy and his ragtag group of pirates, all trying to accomplish their respective goals, enduring hardships, heartaches, laughs, sadness, happiness and everything in between. As you read from chapter one and all the way through the latest arcs, you'll be unveiled to so many creative story developments, places, people and idea. That is what makes One Piece so fun, the creativity of it all. Eiichiro Oda (the manga-ka) has created such an amazing and unique world that it is something that you will have a hard time finding in other anime, if at all. Though the story seems simple at heart, as you read deeper into One Piece, you'll be unveiled to secret plots and hidden agendas that will have you shaking your legs in anticipation to see how everything will mesh together in the end.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 02:56:01] [修正:2022-04-23 02:56:01] [このレビューのURL]
