ホーム > 青年漫画 > ヤングアニマル > ベルセルク



巻数40巻 (未完終了)

連載誌ヤングアニマル:1989年~ / 白泉社

更新時刻 2012-10-21 09:38:28

あらすじ 身の丈を超える長大な剣を自在に操り、「使徒」と呼ばれる人間ならざる者を屠る「黒い剣士」ガッツを主人公とする大河ファンタジー。ガッツはある宿命に憑りつかれて、狂戦士のごとく剣をふるい、闇にうごめく化物どもと死闘を繰り広げる。その目的は、無為に殺された仲間たちの復讐と、大切なものを護るということ。二つの重荷を背負い、五人の守護天使ゴッドハンドを探し出すガッツは、その下に従う人外の存在、使徒との闘いの中で、運命に翻弄されつつも必死にあがく。

備考 途中から月1連載となった。



10点 ghyuhghyuさん


The artwork in the first few volumes of Berserk won't do much to impress many of today's manga readers, but at the time when the series was first serialized (1992) it was certainly well above average. Those initial volumes feature many very unique character designs (especially the apostles) and also sport a relatively high focus on detail. However, where Miura really shows off his latent artistic talents early on is through his ability to create crisp, clear, and highly fluid fight scenes.

One of the few negative aspects of the early volumes can be identified as the simple shading techniques that Miura used. Also, sometimes the character faces will look just a bit "off" and it can be a little distracting. However, these minor quality issues were most likely due to the time constraints that were in place at the time and not entirely the fault of the artist.

Then as the series progresses the reader gets to watch the artwork literally evolve. As we learn more and more about the characters and the world in which they live, the characters themselves and their environments become more and more visually detailed. The simple shading from the early volumes is eventually replaced by a hand shading technique which gives the series a more gritty and surreal overall feeling. The character designs become more crisp and facial expressions sometimes are so vivid that one look at a character's face is often enough to tell the reader exactly what the character is thinking. By the time the reader makes it into volumes 20 and beyond Miura has made it very clear that he means for Berserk to be truly regarded as a work of art just as much as it is a masterfully epic piece of storytelling.

In my own experience I have seen very, very few other manga series that can even approach Berserk's later volumes on an artistic level and, unfortunately, I highly doubt that I will ever be able to find its peer.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:27:47] [修正:2022-04-21 12:27:47]




