ホーム > 青年漫画 > ヤングアニマル > ベルセルク



巻数40巻 (未完終了)

連載誌ヤングアニマル:1989年~ / 白泉社

更新時刻 2012-10-21 09:38:28

あらすじ 身の丈を超える長大な剣を自在に操り、「使徒」と呼ばれる人間ならざる者を屠る「黒い剣士」ガッツを主人公とする大河ファンタジー。ガッツはある宿命に憑りつかれて、狂戦士のごとく剣をふるい、闇にうごめく化物どもと死闘を繰り広げる。その目的は、無為に殺された仲間たちの復讐と、大切なものを護るということ。二つの重荷を背負い、五人の守護天使ゴッドハンドを探し出すガッツは、その下に従う人外の存在、使徒との闘いの中で、運命に翻弄されつつも必死にあがく。

備考 途中から月1連載となった。



10点 ghyujhbghさん


I think that there's no point in summarising the plot. You can read it above, and for the sake of not spoiling anything, I think you should. You have to, however know this: Berserk manga, in terms of plotline and characters development - is by far the best manga I have ever read, the most complete one, the most multi-dimensional one, the most memorable one... Nowhere else will you be told the stories of sub characters so bluntly and yet discreet that you won't even notice. Nowhere else will you receive such a huge dose of information, and yet still be able to comprehend it effortlessly. This is something uncanny, and frankly, I doubt that anyone ever will be able to reach the level.

The characters are just great. On one hand we have Gutts and Griffith, shades of black and white, fire and water. Being so different, neither can live without the other one. They're like Yin and Yang, two halves of the same coin - even in his darkest moments Griffith still finds himself as Gutts' friend, although few minutes later this friendship changes into hatred and horrific envy. Their whole story is like that, they start off as great friends who would die for each other with smiling face, but only one of them is really committed here.
Characters shine even more when we consider other protagonists and antagonists. No person is left shallow and without a story to tell. Miura-sempai explains everything in a given time and briefly enough to keep you interested. Unlike in other titles where antagonists exist only to serve as a powerup training bag for the protagonist, here all demons have their motives. Even the smallest monster is explained, by which you get attached, even to such scumbags.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:39:35] [修正:2022-04-23 01:39:35]




