ホーム > 青年漫画 > ウルトラジャンプ > スティール・ボール・ラン



巻数24巻 (完結)

連載誌ウルトラジャンプ:2004年~ / 集英社

更新時刻 2011-01-12 13:02:31

あらすじ 1890年、アメリカで世紀の大レース「スティール・ボール・ラン」が開催された。総距離約6,000km、史上初の乗馬による北米大陸横断レース!優勝賞金5千万ドルをめざし、屈強な冒険者たちの戦いが今始まる!

備考 単行本第1巻の作者コメントにおいて、実質的には「ジョジョ」第七部であることが明かされた。また単行本第5巻以降は、カバーを外すと「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part7」と表記されている。当初は週刊少年ジャンプで連載されていたが、後にウルトラジャンプに移籍した。



10点 sssssssssさん

Serving as a soft reset for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run takes the story in original and daring directions. But does it work? Oh who am I kidding? I'm going to be straight up.
I consider Steel Ball Run to be one of the greatest written works I've ever read.

STORY: 9/10
I will admit Steel Ball Run has a very, very slow start. In fact, Stands aren't even introduced until like 20 chapters in. That's another thing: Steel Ball Run is seinen instead of shounen. That means each chapter ranges from 35 to 60 pages long in comparison to the 20 page long chapters of the Jojo Parts before. This may seem daunting at first, but once you get invested in Steel Ball Run it feels like the story was too short, despite being the longest Jojo Part to date. Steel Ball Run also changes the Jojo formula in its fights. Stands are no longer humanoid for the most part, and they function more as superpowers than spirits who fight for you. Each fight is engaging and unique, dealing with psychological warfare more than throwing blind punches. This makes the fights in Steel Ball Run among the best in the series.

Steel Ball Run is also magnificently written with very great story arcs throughout. However, there is a controversial near the very end direction which I won't spoil that will surely throw some people off and make them consider it unnecessary. Eh, I didn't mind it too much, though it does undermine what made a previous Part so good to a degree. Despite that, it still contains one of the greatest and most emotional endings I've ever read.

ART: 10/10
Part 4 may have been the pinnacle of Araki's style, but Steel Ball Run is his pinnacle in his talent. Truly perfect art in all fields. The detail is much more in depth than previous Parts and character designs are on point.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-07-01 20:11:56] [修正:2022-07-01 20:11:56]



