ホーム > 少年漫画 > 週刊少年ジャンプ > SLAM DUNK



巻数31巻 (完結)

連載誌週刊少年ジャンプ:1990年~ / 集英社

更新時刻 2012-07-26 21:18:02

あらすじ 中学3年間で50人もの女性にフラれた高校1年の不良少年・桜木花道は背の高さと体格からバスケットボール部の主将の妹、赤木晴子にバスケット部に入部を薦められる。彼女に一目惚れした「超初心者」花道は彼女目当てに入部するも、練習・試合を通じて徐々にバスケットの面白さに目覚めていき、才能を開花させていく。(Wikipedia)



0点 ghsbhsさん

Arguably, the biggest strength of SLAM DUNK, that brings it over the top, is the characters and their developing relationships with one another. Luffy's crew has the most original and different mannerism characters you'll ever see in shounen anime and its a wonder how they all get along in the first place (then again, they all don't get along). Though Luffy is your typical shounen hero who is not bright, a black hole for a stomach (though in One Piece, his huge appetite has an actual reason behind it) and courageous when needed, what sets Luffy apart from other shounen heros is his hilarious personality. His comic relief is so funny that you'll be laughing out loud at some of the things he does. The same can be said about the other crew members, and really, every major character in One Piece itself. All characters have a defining trait or quality that you'll either love to pieces or hate with a passion. Watching as they interact with one another and often times their completely opposite personalities clashing with one another, it only provides great room for developing relationships between the many characters in One Piece.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 02:56:52] [修正:2022-04-23 02:57:08]

SLAM DUNKと同じ作者の漫画


