ホーム > 少年漫画 > 週刊少年ジャンプ > ジョジョの奇妙な冒険



巻数80巻 (完結)

連載誌週刊少年ジャンプ:1987年~ / 集英社

更新時刻 2012-05-15 20:18:17

あらすじ 第1部『ファントム ブラッド』(1-5巻)――19世紀のイギリスを舞台に、ジョースター家一人息子ジョナサンと、石仮面の力で超生物になった養子ディオの因縁を描いた物語。第2部『戦闘潮流』(6-12巻)――第二次世界大戦下のヨーロッパ、ジョナサンの孫・ジョセフと、石仮面を創造した「究極生物」達との対決が描かれる。第3部『スターダスト・クルセイダース』(12-28巻)――100年の眠りから目覚めたDIOを倒すため、ジョセフの孫、承太郎一行は日本からエジプトを目指すが、そこには既にDIOの手下が差し向けられていた。第4部『ダイヤモンドは砕けない 』(29-47巻)――承太郎はある目的のためジョセフの隠し子、仗助に会いに杜王町に行く。しかし、杜王町では「弓と矢」の影響により多くのスタンド使いが生まれていた。第5部『黄金の風』(47-63巻)――DIOの息子、ジョルノはギャングスターになるという夢を叶えるべく、ギャング組織パッショーネへの加入を決意する。ギャング組織内の抗争を描いた物語。第6部『ストーン・オーシャン 』(64-80巻)――無実の罪で投獄された承太郎の娘、徐倫を脱獄させる為にやって来た承太郎。しかし、真の犯人の策謀により、スタンドと記憶が奪われてしまう。父の奪われた心を奪い返す為に立ち上がる娘の物語。

備考 後に連載した「スティール・ボール・ラン」は、「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第七部『スティール・ボール・ラン』」として扱われる。現在は「ウルトラジャンプ」誌上にて第八部に当たる「ジョジョリオン」を連載中。文庫版全50巻。



56件~ 60件を表示/全264 件

0点 ghghyghさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:55:04] [修正:2022-04-23 01:55:04] [このレビューのURL]

0点 fghjhghyさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:50:10] [修正:2022-04-23 01:50:10] [このレビューのURL]

0点 ghybgghyさん


The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:48:07] [修正:2022-04-23 01:48:07] [このレビューのURL]

0点 bshbshjsさん


The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:45:12] [修正:2022-04-23 01:45:12] [このレビューのURL]

10点 ghyuhghyuさん


This series already gets plenty of praise, so I will mostly focus on criticism for this review, despite the fact that I do have plenty of positive things to say about Berserk. I want to make a review that will be legitimately helpful to people, rather than simply echoing the beliefs of every other reviewer on here. Look at the myriad "10" reviews for raving about how amazing it is, there is plenty of that already. This series does not get nearly enough proper criticism. Please read the whole thing before marking the review "helpful" or "not helpful." Because if you don't finish it then you don't really know, do you?

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:28:52] [修正:2022-04-21 12:28:52] [このレビューのURL]




