ホーム > 青年漫画 > ヤングアニマル > ベルセルク



巻数40巻 (未完終了)

連載誌ヤングアニマル:1989年~ / 白泉社

更新時刻 2012-10-21 09:38:28

あらすじ 身の丈を超える長大な剣を自在に操り、「使徒」と呼ばれる人間ならざる者を屠る「黒い剣士」ガッツを主人公とする大河ファンタジー。ガッツはある宿命に憑りつかれて、狂戦士のごとく剣をふるい、闇にうごめく化物どもと死闘を繰り広げる。その目的は、無為に殺された仲間たちの復讐と、大切なものを護るということ。二つの重荷を背負い、五人の守護天使ゴッドハンドを探し出すガッツは、その下に従う人外の存在、使徒との闘いの中で、運命に翻弄されつつも必死にあがく。

備考 途中から月1連載となった。



21件~ 25件を表示/全171 件

Set in an alternate universe from previous parts as a result of the events at the end of Berserk, Berserk is probably the apex of the massive , which is no small statement. Araki has once again recycled and improved upon his formula for making terrifically bizarre adventures.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 06:12:37] [修正:2022-04-23 06:12:37] [このレビューのURL]

10点 jkjnjjnjさん

The villain, President Funny Valentine, in contrast, can be considered the hero to an extent, and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Funny Valentine is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like a better version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Funny Valentine will stop at nothing to make America great again. As said by the man himself, his "heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are those of JUSTICE.". His Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C), has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Stand and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 06:11:25] [修正:2022-04-23 06:11:25] [このレビューのURL]

10点 huhyuさん

I will admit Steel Ball Run has a very, very slow start. In fact, Stands aren't even introduced until like 20 chapters in. That's another thing: Steel Ball Run is seinen instead of shounen. That means each chapter ranges from 35 to 60 pages long in comparison to the 20 page long chapters of the Jojo Parts before. This may seem daunting at first, but once you get invested in Steel Ball Run it feels like the story was too short, despite being the longest Jojo Part to date. Steel Ball Run also changes the Jojo formula in its fights. Stands are no longer humanoid for the most part, and they function more as superpowers than spirits who fight for you. Each fight is engaging and unique, dealing with psychological warfare more than throwing blind punches. This makes the fights in Steel Ball Run among the best in the series.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 06:09:43] [修正:2022-04-23 06:09:43] [このレビューのURL]

10点 juiojnhjiさん

I will admit Steel Ball Run has a very, very slow start. In fact, Stands aren't even introduced until like 20 chapters in. That's another thing: Steel Ball Run is seinen instead of shounen. That means each chapter ranges from 35 to 60 pages long in comparison to the 20 page long chapters of the Jojo Parts before. This may seem daunting at first, but once you get invested in Steel Ball Run it feels like the story was too short, despite being the longest Jojo Part to date. Steel Ball Run also changes the Jojo formula in its fights. Stands are no longer humanoid for the most part, and they function more as superpowers than spirits who fight for you. Each fight is engaging and unique, dealing with psychological warfare more than throwing blind punches. This makes the fights in Steel Ball Run among the best in the series.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 06:09:11] [修正:2022-04-23 06:09:11] [このレビューのURL]

10点 hujhnjuiさん

I will admit Steel Ball Run has a very, very slow start. In fact, Stands aren't even introduced until like 20 chapters in. That's another thing: Steel Ball Run is seinen instead of shounen. That means each chapter ranges from 35 to 60 pages long in comparison to the 20 page long chapters of the Jojo Parts before. This may seem daunting at first, but once you get invested in Steel Ball Run it feels like the story was too short, despite being the longest Jojo Part to date. Steel Ball Run also changes the Jojo formula in its fights. Stands are no longer humanoid for the most part, and they function more as superpowers than spirits who fight for you. Each fight is engaging and unique, dealing with psychological warfare more than throwing blind punches. This makes the fights in Steel Ball Run among the best in the series.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 06:08:35] [修正:2022-04-23 06:08:35] [このレビューのURL]





