ホーム > 青年漫画 > ヤングアニマル > ベルセルク



巻数40巻 (未完終了)

連載誌ヤングアニマル:1989年~ / 白泉社

更新時刻 2012-10-21 09:38:28

あらすじ 身の丈を超える長大な剣を自在に操り、「使徒」と呼ばれる人間ならざる者を屠る「黒い剣士」ガッツを主人公とする大河ファンタジー。ガッツはある宿命に憑りつかれて、狂戦士のごとく剣をふるい、闇にうごめく化物どもと死闘を繰り広げる。その目的は、無為に殺された仲間たちの復讐と、大切なものを護るということ。二つの重荷を背負い、五人の守護天使ゴッドハンドを探し出すガッツは、その下に従う人外の存在、使徒との闘いの中で、運命に翻弄されつつも必死にあがく。

備考 途中から月1連載となった。



71件~ 75件を表示/全216 件

10点 bshbshjsさん


The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:45:50] [修正:2022-04-23 01:45:50] [このレビューのURL]

10点 ghyujhbghさん


I think that there's no point in summarising the plot. You can read it above, and for the sake of not spoiling anything, I think you should. You have to, however know this: Berserk manga, in terms of plotline and characters development - is by far the best manga I have ever read, the most complete one, the most multi-dimensional one, the most memorable one... Nowhere else will you be told the stories of sub characters so bluntly and yet discreet that you won't even notice. Nowhere else will you receive such a huge dose of information, and yet still be able to comprehend it effortlessly. This is something uncanny, and frankly, I doubt that anyone ever will be able to reach the level.

The characters are just great. On one hand we have Gutts and Griffith, shades of black and white, fire and water. Being so different, neither can live without the other one. They're like Yin and Yang, two halves of the same coin - even in his darkest moments Griffith still finds himself as Gutts' friend, although few minutes later this friendship changes into hatred and horrific envy. Their whole story is like that, they start off as great friends who would die for each other with smiling face, but only one of them is really committed here.
Characters shine even more when we consider other protagonists and antagonists. No person is left shallow and without a story to tell. Miura-sempai explains everything in a given time and briefly enough to keep you interested. Unlike in other titles where antagonists exist only to serve as a powerup training bag for the protagonist, here all demons have their motives. Even the smallest monster is explained, by which you get attached, even to such scumbags.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:39:35] [修正:2022-04-23 01:39:35] [このレビューのURL]

10点 ghyuhghyuさん


The artwork in the first few volumes of Berserk won't do much to impress many of today's manga readers, but at the time when the series was first serialized (1992) it was certainly well above average. Those initial volumes feature many very unique character designs (especially the apostles) and also sport a relatively high focus on detail. However, where Miura really shows off his latent artistic talents early on is through his ability to create crisp, clear, and highly fluid fight scenes.

One of the few negative aspects of the early volumes can be identified as the simple shading techniques that Miura used. Also, sometimes the character faces will look just a bit "off" and it can be a little distracting. However, these minor quality issues were most likely due to the time constraints that were in place at the time and not entirely the fault of the artist.

Then as the series progresses the reader gets to watch the artwork literally evolve. As we learn more and more about the characters and the world in which they live, the characters themselves and their environments become more and more visually detailed. The simple shading from the early volumes is eventually replaced by a hand shading technique which gives the series a more gritty and surreal overall feeling. The character designs become more crisp and facial expressions sometimes are so vivid that one look at a character's face is often enough to tell the reader exactly what the character is thinking. By the time the reader makes it into volumes 20 and beyond Miura has made it very clear that he means for Berserk to be truly regarded as a work of art just as much as it is a masterfully epic piece of storytelling.

In my own experience I have seen very, very few other manga series that can even approach Berserk's later volumes on an artistic level and, unfortunately, I highly doubt that I will ever be able to find its peer.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:27:47] [修正:2022-04-21 12:27:47] [このレビューのURL]

10点 carnemntさん


これが明らかになるとすぐに、漫画は現在までのガッツの人生の非常に長いフラッシュバックに入ります。 それは彼がホークのバンドと呼ばれる傭兵グループに参加し、リーダー、グリフィスと友人になった方法を説明しています。 私たちは、ガッツのバンドで彼の人生を楽しんで、傭兵の多くと友人だったことがわかります。 同志、アイデンティティ、愛などのテーマが育てられており、現在のテーマとは全く対照的です。 このすべてを読んでいる間、聴衆が彼らの頭の後ろで聞くしつこい感覚があります:これは続くことはできません。 三浦は巧みに物語の中に要素を投げ込み、ずっと後に再びそれらを育てます。 そのすべてが見事に一緒に織り込まれ、過去が現在に追いつくようになると、あなたはそれをすべての結果を恐れることはできません。 そして最後に、日食が転がると、悲しみや怒りなどのあらゆる種類の感情が急増します。 観客が1日目から伏線になっていることに気づいたとき、それはすべて完全な円になります。 ご列席の皆様、これは私たちが見事なストーリーテリングと呼ぶものであり、最良の部分は、物語のその唯一の三分の一ということです。 真実は言われる、漫画は第13巻の後に終了している可能性があり、それはまだ壮観だろうが、三浦は余分な数マイルを行き、伝説のもので凶暴になる。

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:01:38] [修正:2022-04-21 12:01:38] [このレビューのURL]

10点 ghuhgbhuさん


物語は想像できるあらゆる方法で信じられないほどです。 それは使徒として知られている悪魔を狩るガッツという名前の黒い剣士をフィーチャーしたいくつかの小さな弧から始まります。 なぜ彼が最初にこれをするのかはよくわかりませんが、漫画家の三浦は、ガッツとこれらの使徒の間には多くの歴史があることを示しています。 設定は、超自然的でハイファンタジー要素のダッシュがあちこちに振りかけて、最初は現実的なファンタジーです。 ガッツは、最初は非常に好感の持てる主人公として表示されません。 彼は失礼で、冷笑的で、木製で、やや狂っています。 唯一の明確な文字は、彼と彼のエルフの相棒、パックです。 彼はこれらの自己完結型の弧を介して彼の方法を作るようにガッツの動機は非常に繊細さを示唆していると最初は謎の強い感覚は間違いなくあ そこに自分自身を添付することができ、トーンは非常に暗いです本当の文字はありません。 このような実存主義などのテーマは、観客が絶望的な目標であると思われるもので根性が続く理由を疑問に思うようにかなり頻繁に育てられます。 その最終的に彼はフェムト、凶暴な宇宙の5神の一つという名前の神の手の一つに対して個人的な復讐を持っていることを明らかにしました。

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:00:35] [修正:2022-04-21 12:00:35] [このレビューのURL]





