ホーム > 青年漫画 > ビッグコミックスピリッツ > ピンポン



巻数5巻 (完結)

連載誌ビッグコミックスピリッツ:1996年~ / 小学館

更新時刻 2012-12-13 20:24:44

あらすじ 幼馴染であるペコとスマイル。物語序盤ではペコはまったく練習せず才能のみで戦って、やがて壁にぶちあたる。一方スマイルは自らが無意識のうちに手を抜いてることに気づき名コーチのもと急成長をとげていく。だがスマイルはペコが目覚めるのを待ち続ける。そして再び卓球に復帰し本気で練習しだし、かつてのスマイルやアクマのヒーロであるペコが復活する。

備考 2002年窪塚洋介主演により実写映画化。なお脚本は「IWGP」等の宮藤官九郎。



0点 ghyujhbghさん


The art itself, is a state of art to watch and read. Detailed panels, hundreds of characters on one page during a hectic battle, highly textured monsters and what I love the most - fluid, realistic and clear fighting scenes. You don't need Kubo trolling with ink to see that Gutts has his speed even despite the weight of his sword. You don't need hundreds of straight lines to increase the dynamics of the scene - Miura-sensei manages it all without a loss in quality.
Facial expressions are something completely else. Even if you cannot follow the plot for some weird reason you can always judge whether the character is good or bad by just looking at his or her face. Those are very detailed and so rich in expressions that you never get bored. You can feel the difference between smooth and angelic appearance of Griffith and a brute, yet kind rectangular face of Gutts.

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[投稿:2022-04-23 01:41:06] [修正:2022-04-23 01:41:06]



