ホーム > 少年漫画 > 週刊少年ジャンプ > SLAM DUNK



巻数31巻 (完結)

連載誌週刊少年ジャンプ:1990年~ / 集英社

更新時刻 2012-07-26 21:18:02

あらすじ 中学3年間で50人もの女性にフラれた高校1年の不良少年・桜木花道は背の高さと体格からバスケットボール部の主将の妹、赤木晴子にバスケット部に入部を薦められる。彼女に一目惚れした「超初心者」花道は彼女目当てに入部するも、練習・試合を通じて徐々にバスケットの面白さに目覚めていき、才能を開花させていく。(Wikipedia)



21件~ 25件を表示/全283 件

0点 bhugoさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:58:27] [修正:2022-04-23 01:58:27] [このレビューのURL]

0点 husjhsjさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:56:52] [修正:2022-04-23 01:56:52] [このレビューのURL]

0点 ghghyghさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:54:33] [修正:2022-04-23 01:54:33] [このレビューのURL]

0点 fghjhghyさん

The mangaka puts a lot of effort into shade and light in Berserk. By that we get a very distinctive nights, sunshines and sunsets as well as dynamic shadows (however awkward it sounds) that no anime director can mime. It's simply sensational to look at all that and even be able to read the story of it... It is clear to me, that Miura-sensei is trying to end up with a sort of masterpiece in terms of manga. And you know what? He's pretty close to achieving this.

There are, however, some bad points too. The manga is not for everyone. I would strictly add parental advisory and 18+ to it. Nowhere else will you see so much nudity, sex and violence as in this manga. It's not a hentai-like nudity and sex though. Berserk shows a violent world with all its aspects, hence these parts were as relevant as any other to make the story as believable as possible.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-23 01:50:35] [修正:2022-04-23 01:50:35] [このレビューのURL]

10点 gyhgvghyuさん

スラムダンク あなたはそれらの3つの言葉を言う&彼らはちょうど部屋全体に共鳴し始めます。 それはこの漫画が持っている力です。 スラムダンクは、私はそれが愚かだと思うので、私はこのフレーズを使用するのが嫌いなシリーズです。 "マンガを超越した"。 私はそれが今までで最もよく書かれた、最も賢い、または最高の漫画だと思うので、私は必ずしもそれを使用しません。 スラムダンクも、すべての時間の私のトップ10をクラックしません(しかし、それはかなりいまいましい近くに来ます)。 では、なぜ私はそのフレーズを使用するのですか? なぜなら、スラムダンクはみんなにアピールする漫画だと正直に思っているからです。

バスケットボールは普遍的に理解された概念です。 それは人気が地域/国によって異なるかもしれません(特に日本のスラムダンクバスケットボールの前に人気のあるスポーツではなかったことを考えると)が、それにもかかわらず、誰もが理解しているものです。 しかし、スラムダンクはバスケットボールについてであることは、それがそれのために行っていたすべてだった場合、それは愛情を込めて、それがあると 証拠をしたいですか? 井上武彦のブザービーター漫画を見てください,あからさまにひどいではありませんが、それは本質的に一度に日本のいくつかのESPNのウェブサイトのための栄光の広告です&それもリモートで記憶されていないだけでなく、スラムダンクは、バスケットボールについてであることは、ブザービーターがそれのために行っている唯一のものであるためです.

ナイスレビュー: 0

[投稿:2022-04-21 12:09:30] [修正:2022-04-21 12:09:30] [このレビューのURL]


SLAM DUNKと同じ作者の漫画


