0点 sssssさん
Alchemists are knowledgeable and naturally talented individuals who can manipulate and modify matter due to their art. Yet despite the wide range of possibilities, alchemy is not as all-powerful as most would believe. Human transmutation is strictly forbidden, and whoever attempts it risks severe consequences. Even so, siblings Edward and Alphonse Elric decide to ignore this great taboo and bring their mother back to life. Unfortunately, not only do they fail in resurrecting her, they also pay an extremely high price for their arrogance: Edward loses his left leg and Alphonse his entire body. Furthermore, Edward also gives up his right arm in order to seal his brother's soul into a suit of armor.
ナイスレビュー: 0 票
[投稿:2022-07-16 02:50:40] [修正:2022-07-16 02:50:40] [このレビューのURL]
0点 ghyujhbghさん
The story itself is brutal, broody and hectic sometimes. But you never really lose the track if it. You can have two mini-arcs in one mayor arc, but you'll always remember what the team's real destination is. In this way, Miura-sempai makes it clear to you, that Gutts, although a little less passionately, follows his path and even if he was to be destroyed, he would neither falter nor go back. And the same goes for Griffith, who despite his appearance (nowhere else will you notice that appearance is deceitful so much as in Berserk) is a very strong-willed and straight-forward character. And in all this, having seen all the atrocities that happen in Midland, you never ever think of Griffith as the wrong one. He's not wrong, he's just following his dream, a dream that was clouded with Gutts appearance in his life.
ナイスレビュー: 0 票
[投稿:2022-04-23 01:40:07] [修正:2022-04-23 01:40:33] [このレビューのURL]
6点 gundam22vさん
ナイスレビュー: 0 票
[投稿:2020-05-30 12:34:18] [修正:2020-05-30 12:34:18] [このレビューのURL]
10点 しょぼーンさん
まさに冨樫の作品を一言で表すなら 斜め上をとことん行く漫画 だろう
ナイスレビュー: 0 票
[投稿:2020-05-29 06:27:37] [修正:2020-05-29 06:27:37] [このレビューのURL]
9点 yumenneさん
ナイスレビュー: 0 票
[投稿:2018-05-13 21:01:26] [修正:2018-05-13 21:01:26] [このレビューのURL]